Thursday, September 13, 2012

photo walk | boardwalk signs

photowalk | boardwalk signs
Ever since we bought our house four years ago, I've planned to take some photo walks in my own town as a way to hone my photography skills and explore Falls Church (and Arlington and DC). It still hasn't happened, but when I was at the beach last month, I spent a lot of time taking walks with my camera and focusing on some fun photography projects.

The Belmar boardwalk is a great place for signs, so I decided my theme for this photo walk would be text. (It's also a great place for people-watching, but I don't have the cojones to photograph strangers on the boardwalk. That would be a fun project for a ballsy photographer though. I can see it now -"Photo Walk: Breast Implants." On second thought, that just might be a good way to get the attention of the authorities.) Since I'm big on collections lately, I love that when all the images are collaged together, the result is a visual overview of signage along the Jersey Shore.

A few signs up close:
photo walk | text
photo walk | text
photo walk | text
photo walk | text
photo walk | text
photo walk | text
photo walk | text
photo walk | text
And this, just because it made me laugh:
photo walk | text
It was a really eye-opening experience to force myself to pay attention to all the little details that I typically walk/drive-by without notice, so I'm eager to finally take a photo walk here at home. There are actually worldwide photo walks - I've got an art market on the date of the next one, but it would be fun to do this with a group of photographers.

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